Now may be the very best time for you to consider contacting a bankruptcy lawyer. Are you worried that your utilities will be shut off? As a bankruptcy attorney, I see the same problems every year. People let their utility bills go all through winter because the utility company cannot shut them off. That bill just gets larger and larger, and by the time that moratorium comes around, there’s no way to afford the payment to prevent shut off. I can help you today.
Chapter 13 or Chapter 7, it does not matter, as a bankruptcy lawyer, I can prevent them from shutting you off. There are options for repayment or even a complete wipe out of that debt that can be considered. It does not matter if your utility company is We Energies, Alliant, or Wisconsin Public Service, they will turn off your electricity if you cannot make the required payments. If you’re finding yourself wondering if you’re going to be stuck in the dark, you may want to consider your options in bankruptcy. As a bankruptcy lawyer for the past ten years, I know what people go through this time of year, and I want to help.